Here are some of my popular posts:

  1. How to join Developer DAO

  2. On leaving a great job

  3. Setting up Gatsby Webmentions on your site

  4. Introduction to async JavaScript

  5. Improving my content diet

  6. Best blog designs I want to steal everything from

  7. Working with people who are smarter than you

  8. 10 years is a long time

  9. Outages and blame culture

  10. The Life of a PHP Developer

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Let me be real with you. Sometimes when I'm bored I log in to Buttondown and look at the audience number. If it's bigger than it was the week before, well that makes me feel really happy! I promise I'll never spam you and I will, at most, send you a monthly update with what's happening on this site.

Here is my full archive!

  1. My first year living in London
  2. JavaScript format number
  3. Musings on Developer Relations
  4. GitHub find which PR deleted a file
  5. Chasing accurate analytics: Server-side vs client-side analytics
  6. Human Partner: How AI and Assistive Technology is Making Humans More Productive
  7. A Content Security Policy for Google Analytics
  8. How to add custom headers to Eleventy with Cloudflare Pages
  9. I minted (and sold) my first NFT
  10. Chrome DevTools Console Drawer
  11. JavaScript math methods I never knew existed
  12. Introduction to cryptocurrencies
  13. How to join Developer DAO
  14. Switching to DevRel from Engineering
  15. On Interviewing...
  16. The age of the devtool startup
  17. React Aria - A better approach to design systems
  18. Exciting movement in JavaScript tooling
  19. Wasted real estate: Blog homepage design
  20. On leaving a great job
  21. Best online node js editor
  22. jquery vs node.js
  23. Stable Node Versions
  24. Get React Version
  25. How to update node js
  26. JavaScript if else syntax
  27. Increase Gatsby performance with Webpack Bundle Analyzer
  28. Setting up Gatsby Webmentions on your site
  29. Webmention playground
  30. Introduction to async JavaScript
  31. All I wanted was pretty links
  32. Improving my content diet
  33. I made a political twitter account for a week
  34. Compiler Resources
  35. Best blog designs I want to steal everything from
  36. Choosing a blogging platform: Gatsby vs. Wordpress vs. 11ty
  37. Patreon layoffs seem cruel
  38. Avoid Rendering Empty Content with font-display: swap
  39. Working with people who are smarter than you
  40. 10 years is a long time
  41. Suspend a React Component from the DevTools
  42. A weird login flow
  43. My first month as a remote worker
  44. Outages and blame culture
  45. Managing Immutable State with Object Spread
  46. Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages
  47. Numbering a list with CSS!
  48. Eleventy has me feeling more connected with my website
  49. Easier Type Safety in JavaScript Classes
  50. Writing a Babel plugin to convert arrow functions to function expressions
  51. Getting Started with ASTs
  52. Lighthouse Error: Content is not sized correctly for the viewport
  53. Add a Service Worker to Jekyll blog on GitHub Pages
  54. Staying Mostly Safe Online
  55. Sharing Styles with React and Aphrodite
  56. The Life of a PHP Developer
  57. ssh_exchange_identification: read: connection reset by peer